Sexual Sage Wisdom Teachings

Sexual Energy Medicine Wheel Wisdom for Men Over 45

Have you noticed some changes to your sexual energy, life force vitality and erectile health and longevity? You’re not the man you were 10, 20, 30 years ago – Thank GOD! Can you imagine if you didn’t change grow or evolve in the past decades? Your sexual energy and pleasure possibilities want to evolve just as your mind and soul do too! These medicine wheel wisdom teachings will support you in ushering in new paradigms of pleasure and opening to more erotic possibilities that are holistic and energy focused.

This course is perfect for you if you 

~ Are currently experiencing a desire for more pleasure and possibilities in your sexual and erotic life – solo or partnered. 

~ Have erections that are not as strong or predictable as they have been previously 

~ Are feeling dissatisfied with pursuing sex or self-pleasuring that at one time felt pleasurable but no longer does.

~ Are recovering from or recently diagnosed with an illness or condition that has effected your sexual health and vitality. 

Some of the Wisdom Teachings in this online immersion will cover

  • Increase Awareness, Circulation & Pleasure in the Pelvic Floor
  • Sexual Health & Wellness Yoga Practices
  • Pursuing Pleasure Beyond Peak Experiences
  • Sexual Chakra Energy Wisdom Teachings
  • Ecstatic Breathwork & Fire Breath Orgasm Activation
  • Elemental Energy Practices to Harmonize and Expand Pleasure Possibilities
  • Sexual Sage Shamanic Journey 

5 Session Series Online via Zoom. Mondays February 12th, 2024 6-7pm. Sessions will be recorded if you cannot attend in person. Online video modules and home play assignments will be sent with each weeks teachings.

$199 for 5 session series.

$399 for 5 session series plus 1 hour Erotic Mapping Private Zoom Session with Isis.

Enrollment is limited. To register email and I’ll send you a Google Form and Venmo Payment Request.

Has Your Libido Been a Casualty of the Pandemic?

The pandemic was hard on eros. The past few years have aged us. Quarantines, masks and fear took its toll on our mental, emotional and sexual health. Some pre-pan relationships may have stress bonded more deeply and others may have become pandemic casualties. We were repeatedly told that being around people, breathing the same air was a direct threat to our health and the health of our loved ones. At the same time, the skin hungers for touch and the human heart yearn for connection. Fear suffocates pleasure receptors. Many of us have been in a state of pleasure atrophy or apathy these past years. As we continue to gently open back up to people, public spaces and pleasure, the nervous system needs practices to strength and fortify pleasure pathways. 

When I was trying to organize the Beltane Community Ritual and open to the sexiness of the season, my body and erotic spirit were underwhelmed. I wasn’t called to recreate the naked ecstatic dancing rituals around fires of ye auld days. This Beltane season felt softer and more subtle – a return to simple mindful practices of pleasure – taking the time to fully dance to a favorite song, to experience the deep pleasure of a hot bath, to sound bathe as the peepers wake up in their vernal pools and create their evening sound scapes. 

Mindful pleasure is a practice, and like all practices, when we show up to them, we become more adept.

Entering into the sensual nature of Taurus season, and with Beltane a few days away, my focus has turned towards cultivating small pleasures – stepping out onto the newly greening grass, turning my face to the sun to drink in the days light, savoring the feeling of lighter weight fibers next to my body, changing over my wardrobe as I begin to tuck away my wool sweaters and air out the linen, cotton and silks that have been hibernating in their upstairs storage bins. 

I find myself wondering how others have faired during this time. Are you taking moments regularly during the day to dip into a practice of mindful pleasure? Are you finding ways to soften the tension and rigidity of the past years and offer some sweet love to your body temple and to gentle inquire What would give me pleasure right now? What is the deep desire within my body at this time? 

New Office Space in midcoast Maine

After moving back to the east coast, I have opened a landed office and temple space in midcoast Maine and am resuming in-person sessions. How lucky for those of us who get to experience the gorgeous coast of Maine in the summer!

And now for a change of scenery… Isis Phoenix – Summer in Seattle

1seattleDear Ones,

I’ll be taking in-person sessions in Seattle beginning June 1st. Coaching is available via Skype now as well.

Love & Blessings!


Visioning the Perfect “First Time”

7b40a55cb568d838c70ca7b2091ae8c0We all remember our first kiss, who we first made love to, the first time we discovered self-pleasuring, perhaps the first time we were sexually harassed or even sexually assaulted…  When we have a first time experience a new neural pathway is made in the brain and body. Unconsciously, this becomes the default. Consciously, it is a reference point we can return to to either re-create or to re-pattern. Reviewing my firsts in life, I began to desire something more, more ceremony, more invitation of the sacred, more consciousness. I began to wonder of ceremonies that could be created, meaningful beautiful rituals for our first times… what would these ceremonies look like to honor a first kiss, or the first time we shared a lovers touch? And how would we create ceremonies to heal from negative first time experiences?

In the world I want to live in, I envision beautiful, healing, empowering ceremonies where women taught their daughters to love and pleasure their bodies and embrace their beauty and that their sexuality was a precious gift… where men taught their sons about integrating their sexual energy with a heart-based connection.

When I let myself dream and vision my perfect time, it would begin by consciously visiting the town’s sexual priestess who would initiate me in the feminine mysteries of the pleasure my body was capable of and later a second ceremony that would introduce me to the pleasure and delights of sharing this experience with a first time beloved of my choosing. In each ceremony, I imagine a sexual priestess holding space and guiding the initiation of pleasure and teaching me the art of love beginning with my own body and then sharing and exploring a lovers. I would want this ceremony for myself around the age of 16, after the initial shock of puberty was over and I was grounded in my new woman’s body. I would love my imaginary parents to be totally on board with this ceremony like a sweet sixteen only it’s where a young woman comes to know her body and pleasure and how to pleasure and honor another.

That would be my perfect first time… What’s the vision of your perfect first time?



“Stretching Her Wings” Isis in Florida


Private Sessions at Sacred Haven, Orlando, FL. Feb 2-10, Feb 16-28.

MidWinter Naturist Festival @ Sunsport Gardens. Loxahatchee, FL Feb 11-14  – workshops ~ Pelvic Heart Integration, Nude Partner Yoga, Naked Church.

Pelvic Heart Integration Workshop @ Sacred Haven, Orlando, FL Feb 25 7-10pm.

Email Isis: or call 646-460-9397.



A Christmas gift from the Divine Mother

Mother Mary~ A Gift from the Divine Mother ~

My dearest friends and community ~

I have a very special gift for you today. While living in Massachusetts and since my Madonna Ministry Ordination and attunement from Bishop EveLynn Maurine my relationship with the Divine Mother has continued to grow exponentially over the past two years.

In the middle of this month, I received a channeled meditation and attunement from Mother Mary. She instructed me to offer this meditation and Womb, Heart, Soul Attunement for women. It is a channeled meditation that I recorded. It is specifically for women though I will share it openly with all who desire it.

If you would like to receive an audio recording of this meditation please email me at and I will send you the audio file.

In Her Name and with Her Blessings.

Wishing Everyone a very Merry Christmas.

Isis Phoenix


In Memoriam – Dr. Deborah Anapol and Pelvic Heart Integration

Pelvic Heart IntegrationIt is with sadness and confusion that I honor the life of my teacher and mentor Dr. Deborah Taj Anapol who passed shortly after an immersive training I attended with her in Ireland in August. Deborah, who preferred being called by her spiritual name, Taj, was the center holder for Pelvic Heart Integration, a whole body system of healing originally founded by Dr. Jack Painter. She and I co-led New York’s first Pelvic Heart Integration Retreat this past July. It was Taj’s deep and sincere wish for PHI to become a globally known healing model and she was in the midst of passing the work on.

There are 19 people, including myself, who have been in training to take this work more fully out into the world and we have committed to continuing our training and honoring her passion through offering PHI Activations and private work throughout the globe. We had just completed module 2 of a 4 module year long training system to become teachers. Taj taught and believed that in order to create harmony among men and women in relationships and on the earth there must be a harmony with the inner man and woman within the individual often referred to in PHI as ‘the inner marriage.’ The cumulative effects of Pelvic Heart Integration has gone deeper for me than any other system of Tantra and has been instrumental in bringing about profound healing and making available deeper more authentic ways of relating.

Deborah and I were published together in the book Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Art of Love just after her passing and my interview with her in Sensheant Magazine on masculine and feminine energies in Pelvic Heart Integration was also released a few days after her death.

In memory of Taj, in support of my fellow teachers and in my belief in this work, I will be stepping into support and co-facilitate Pelvic Heart Integration Activation Level 1 in Sebastapol, CA with Gwenn Cody and Glenn Meader and assist Pelvic Heart Integration Activation Level 2 in Portland, Oregon with Gwenn Cody. I welcome you to come share in and receive this powerful healing work.

Karen writes… “vaginal intercourse makes me feel like I have to pee… Advice?”

A young female client of mine who is newly introducing vaginal intercourse in her life reached out recently with a question concerning pelvic discomfort she was experiencing. 
.Hi Isis,
I hope you are well. As I have been experimenting a bit more, I was wondering about one thing. When I have sex, I like everything but the penetration itself does not feel pleasurable. I mostly feel like I have to pee and would like it end rather sooner than later. Do I just need to get used to it a bit more or does this mean I am not aroused enough?
I hope you will be visiting the city sometime next year.
Blessings for the holiday season!
My Response:
How lovely to hear from you. First of all congrats on getting to know your body and also being really attuned and sensitive to her feelings and experiences. It sounds like you’re getting to know what your body likes and also what it doesn’t like. Your body will also keep changing as I’m sure your lovers will. It will go through its own seasons. The sensation in your vagina will change as well in different phases of your menstrual cycle. Sometimes the uterus will be lower other times higher which will effect the sensation in your vagina. Sometimes if will be full of blood and be heavier and press on other organs like the bladder. Women have pound for pound as much erectile tissue as men and things swell. They just swell on the inside. Sometimes you may retain fluid and other times you may feel quite dry. Also feeling like you have to pee during penetration also sounds like your G-Spot might be getting stimulated on the inside and you might be moving towards ejaculation and not urination. This is just a thought and something to explore you might want to watch the DVD Divine Nectar which is a beautiful rendition on female ejaculation.
Any pressure on the anterior wall of the vagina might feel like you have to pee so why not try an experiment. Empty your bladder before self-pleasuring and try inserting your fingers during your self-pleasuring ritual. In addition, toys like smooth crystal wands of rubber dildos can work as well. I would recommend becoming stimulated to an extent where your vagina actually communicates to you that she would like stimulation. Another option is to have your current partner give you a yoni massage where you can guide what you like and decide in the moment what you don’t. The likes and dislikes will change over time. You could also consider going to experience a sensual massage from a provider where you can speak about your concerns. If you would like some recommendations you can let me know. 
Wishing you all the best in your erotic adventures!

Women’s Naked Yoga – Why I’m Taking the Women Away from Mix-Gender Yoga Classes

Naked Yoga Alliance

Women’s Naked Yoga: Why I’m Taking the Women Away From Mixed-Gender Yoga Classes

by Isis Phoenix REBLOGGED via Young Naturists America

Isis Phoenix“Why are you taking the women away from us?!” exclaimed one of my most devoted male yoga students. He was a man in his late sixties and a longtime naturist who for most of his life was deeply committed to a nudist lifestyle. This was in 2008 when I was newly teaching naked yoga classes in New York and had a small but devoted following that filled up my twelve-person yoga studio several times a week. The comment came as a reaction to putting a women’s naked yoga class on the otherwise mixed-gendered weekly yoga schedule. The comment was almost childlike when it exited his mouth. “Why are you taking the women away from us?! That is a horrible idea!” he said, sounding more like an eight year old…

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